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  • Writer's pictureVaishnavee Gonnade

Humanizing AI-Powered Recruitment: Embracing a Human-Centric Approach in Measuring Metrics

We’ve had the pleasure of witnessing how AI has revolutionized the world in countless ways, from everyday life to the workplace. It’s like a modern-day renaissance, with artificial intelligence touching nearly every aspect of our daily lives, including the recruitment process. Despite the growing reliance on technology in hiring, as Plato once said: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” This age-old humanistic philosophy still holds true today and can be applied to the humanization of recruitment metrics. Today, we’ll delve into how the evolution of recruitment practices is shifting towards measuring more human-centric metrics.

The impact of AI on hiring:

AI has undoubtedly increased hiring efficiency, streamlining processes, and effectively cutting down expenditures in recruiting departments. It enables talent acquisition professionals to quickly identify top candidates using algorithms specifically designed to filter the myriad of applicants. However, in doing so, we run the risk of overlooking the soft, human elements that make top performers shine.

Soft skills matter:

While technology has helped automate the recruitment process to a significant extent, recruiters must not forget the importance of the human touch. Intangible qualities, such as creativity or empathy, are hard for an AI system to evaluate. Random fact alert: did you know that humans can form a first impression within the first seven seconds of meeting someone? This underlines the value of in-person communication and the importance of encouraging genuine human connections.

Fostering connections:

Accomplished professionals might harbor a secret passion for competitive baking or a love for tango dancing - tiny details that an AI system would ignore, but which can enrich your company culture. To extract this crucial information, talent acquisition teams must strive to foster meaningful connections with candidates in both virtual and in-person interviews. Emphasize making eye contact, actively listen, and be open to cultivating an environment that allows candidates to reveal their raw, authentic selves.

Let us see what could be the better metrics to measure the success of recruitment.

First up is the non-automated talent sourcing process percentage.

This metric measures how much of the recruitment process is driven by humans versus technology. In a world where automation is increasingly becoming the norm, it’s important to maintain a balance between technology and the human touch. We don’t want to lose the personal connection that comes with a human-driven process, but we also don’t want to fall behind our competitors who are embracing technology. By tracking this metric, we can ensure that we’re striking the right balance.

The second metric we need to focus on is candidate engagement.

As recruiters, we have a responsibility to provide candidates with a positive experience throughout the recruitment process. This means timely updates, clear communication, and respecting their time and effort. By measuring candidate engagement, we can identify areas where we’re falling short and make improvements. We’ll also be able to see the impact that positive candidate engagement has on our recruitment efforts.

Next, we have the candidate journey.

This metric measures the entire candidate experience, from initial contact to onboarding. By tracking this journey, we can gain a better understanding of the candidate’s perspective and identify areas for improvement. We’ll be able to see which stages of the process are causing the most frustration and take steps to make them smoother. By improving the candidate experience, we’ll be more likely to attract and retain top talent.

The fourth metric on our list is bias-free screening.

It’s no secret that bias exists in the recruitment process. Whether it’s conscious or unconscious, bias can harm the diversity of our workforce. By measuring this metric, we can identify and eliminate any potential biases that may exist in our processes. We’ll be able to see if certain groups are being disproportionately screened out and take steps to address the issue.

Finally, we have an improvement in brand recognition/ reach.

This metric measures how our recruitment efforts are impacting our employer brand. Are we reaching the right audience? Are we positioning ourselves as an employer of choice? By tracking this metric, we can see if our efforts are having the desired impact. We’ll be able to adjust our strategy if we’re not reaching the right audience or if our messaging isn’t resonating.


So, as we continue to advance in our AI-driven world of recruitment, it’s critical to strike a balance between the efficiency of technology and the art of human interaction. Companies are refocusing on measuring qualitative data related to communication skills, teamwork, ingenuity, and empathy. Perhaps it’s time to remind ourselves that while technology can qualify and quantify, it is the human element that breathes life and vigor into new ideas.

In the words of American physicist and author Thomas A. Edison, “The human element is still needed to complement machine-thought, intuition, and an appreciation of the subjective qualities of life.”

Employers must remember that technology should augment human-centric recruitment and not overtake it altogether.

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